Saturday, March 5, 2011

Week 7 Blog Post

Paragraph 1: What types of writing activities would you make the best use of technology in your classrooms? 

Well, the best use for me would likely be essay writing and literary analysis.  My primary interest is literature, and this would be the main subject of my teaching.  By writing essays in class, I could have the students share them and make commentary on the work of their fellow students, which they could then use to revise their own work.  By sharing comments and insight between the students, this would give them a much better understanding of the material and seeing their peers' work will drive them to do better.

Paragraph 2: We are creating PowerPoint this week, how would you Not let PowerPoint presentation distract your audience? Do you think you can follow the potential pitfalls from the textbook?

The most important pitfall in using PowerPoint is the potential to use too much animation and imagery that your audience is distracted from the main topic.  This can be handled by sticking to a few simple images and animations that illustrate the subject, but not enough to endanger the audience's focus.  Animations should be non-looping and images kept simple and relevant.

Paragraph 3: Conclusion 

In conclusion, having students share their work using technology would, in my opinion, greatly aid in their learning.  Also, by helping them receive feedback from their peers regarding their work, they can improve that much more.  Teaching them to keep their writing and presentation of information simple and relevant in order to keep the interest of their audience will also go a long way to helping them succeed later in life.

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